Have you ever felt that running can be just that much more interesting if there were more stakes involved? That rush of adrenaline you feel when your life (sometimes literally) depends on how fast you are!
That’s almost always the case when you’re running in the Dustland. A lot of our faithful OG dustcaps would probably be familiar with chase mode and would be thinking “THE DAY HAS FINALLY COME”! For everyone else, here’s what you can expect with what chase mode entails:
More stakes
In the beginning, your pace isn’t a make or break factor during your runs. Sure, if you’re too slow, the rewards mechanism wouldn’t register but we’re pretty lenient with the pace. Chase mode will shake things up. During random intervals on your run, you’ll be chased by hazardous elements in the Dustland, ranging from war hounds, vultures, pirates and more. When those chases happen, you’ll be asked to pick up the pace and run faster. If you don’t, well you’ll have to see what consequences entail ๐

Immersive chase audio
When you’re being chased in the real world, sound plays a crucial part in the experience. Acknowledging that, we fine-tuned the audio experience to showcase a real-world chase experience, right through your headphones. You can tell whether you’re starting to get away or the pursuers are right on your tail from their volume

Extra stats
We know how all you love your running stats. With chases, you get that little bit of extra sense of accomplishment. In the mission-end screen, you’ll get to see the total number of chases during your run. With specifications on whether you managed to escape, or if you were caught during the chase

Now, you might be wondering “WHEN CAN WE FINALLY GET OUR HANDS ON CHASES??”. Well, it’s coming sooner than you’d expect! Stay tuned ๐

James is the resident expert on fitness and move to earn. He’s been involved with Dustland Runner as a community manager since the beginning.